Sas cheat sheet

Posted on mer. 05 septembre 2018 in SAS

A quick reference for common SAS commands

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Plotting maps with SAS: labeled choropleth

Posted on lun. 03 septembre 2018 in SAS

A short tutorial to plot a labeled choropleth with SAS.

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Classification metrics

Posted on sam. 25 novembre 2017 in Machine learning

A sample of the existing classification metrics with their interpretation.

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Maximum likelihood estimation

Posted on sam. 25 novembre 2017 in Statistics

Some notes about maximum likelihood estimation

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Epidemiology cheat sheet

Posted on sam. 25 novembre 2017 in Epidemiology

The very basics of epidemiology: populations, various measures, types of studies

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Classification of text data: using multiple feature spaces with Scikit-learn

Posted on jeu. 02 novembre 2017 in Machine learning

How to combine multiple topic-based and word embedding-based methods for text classification with scikit-learn and Gensim.

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Taking random effects into account: mixed-(effect) models and marginal models.

Posted on mar. 31 octobre 2017 in Statistics

A review of fixed and random effects, linear mixed models and GEE

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Using Facebook's FastText for document classification.

Posted on mar. 24 octobre 2017 in Machine learning

A short introduction to using FastText for document classification

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