Classification metrics

Posted on sam. 25 novembre 2017 in Machine learning

I never seem to remember these basic measures so I made a quick reference. Of course this is a very incomplete list. A very nice reference is wikipedia's page about the confusion matrix.

Let \(P\) and \(N\) represent the real positive and negatives and \(\tilde{P}\) and \(\tilde{N}\) be the predicted positive and negatives. The following confusion matrix will be our reference:

\(P\) \(N\)
\( \tilde P \) TP = a FP = b = a + b
\( \tilde N \) FN = c TN = d = c + d
= a + c = b + d

Sensitivity, true positive rate, recall, probability of detection

\[Sens = \frac{TP}{P} = \frac{a}{a+c}\] Probability that real positives are predicted as positive: \(\mathcal{P}(\tilde{P} | P)\). Intrinsic to the test / classifier.

Specificity, true negative rate

\[Sens = \frac{TN}{N} = \frac{d}{b+d}\] Probability that true negatives are predicted as negatives: \(\mathcal{P}(\tilde{N} | N)\). Intrinsic to the test / classifier.

Positive predictive value, precision:

\[Sens = \frac{TP}{\tilde{P}} = \frac{a}{a+b}\] Probability that postitive predictions are real positives: \(\mathcal{P}(P | \tilde{P})\). Not intrinsic to the test / classifier: a large \(P\) compared to \(N\) will make \(a\) larger than \(b\) independently from the test / classifier ability.

Negative predictive value, precision (note: depends on \(P\)): \[Sens = \frac{TN}{\tilde{N}} = \frac{d}{c+d}\] Probability that negative predictions are real negatives: \(\mathcal{P}(N | \tilde{N})\). Not intrinsic to the test / classifier; also depends on \(P\) and \(N\) as illustrated above.
